Completing the Forms Below
Wouldn't you like to have a webpage on this website that highlights your watercolor experience.
(See the artists and signature artists pages on our home page)
HOW TO CREATE YOUR PERSONAL PAGE: If you are interested then submit up to 5 clear images of your best work, your current work, or work available for purchase and we will display it on our website. The page will contain a headshot, your artist bio/statement, contact information, and 5 images of paintings to launch your page. Images must be in jpg, jpeg or png file formats. If you have a show or sale or other special art-related event you are featured in, please submit in IMAGE form only as one of the first 5 images - take a photo of the flyer if necessary!
If you wish to offer these paintings for sale, all transactions will occur offline between you and your clients - not within SWS. You can also just use your page as a current collection/portfolio of your work - that's ok, too! Just remember it is a PUBLIC PAGE, so don't offer anything for posting that you don't want the world to see!
Note there are THREE sections - please complete SECTIONS ONE AND TWO for the initial setup of your page!! Once your page is developed, use Section 3 to add more images. Please limit additions/deletions and other edits to once per month. Paintings will be posted with content discretion.
Take a look at other artists' pages on our home page for inspiration!