How to Attain Signature Membership
SIGNATURE MEMBERSHIP: Our Bylaws reflect new wording on how Signature Membership is attained. Any regular member shall be deemed a Signature Member and entitled to add “SWS” to his or her signature on any painting by earning 9 points total toward Signature Member status in ten consecutive years during which SWS sponsors a juried show. Points can be earned on only one painting per show. Acceptance of a member’s painting into the National Juried Show=3 points. Acceptance of a member’s painting into the Juried Member Show=1 point with a maximum of 3 points in this category. Example: In ten consecutive years which SWS sponsors a juried show: Acceptance into 3 National Juried Shows (3x3 points=9 points) OR acceptance into 2 National Juried Shows (2x3 points=6points) AND acceptance into 3 Juried Member Shows (3x1 point=3 points) for a total of 9 points. Became effective 1/1/2020