Signature Membership
Signature Membership in our society denotes member artists who have achieved a high level of artistic watercolor painting skill. SWS Signature membership entitles an artist to include the society’s initials "SWS" behind their name when signing their work. SWS Signature membership was established in 2017 and qualified members were first recognized at that year's annual business meeting.
Signature Member Artists
In accordance with our bylaws a signature membership is awarded to members in good standing who have earned 9 points within ten consecutive year by participating in our juried Member Shows and/or juried National Shows. Three points are awarded for participation in a juried National Show and one point is awarded for participation in a juried Member Show. An individual may only accrue a maximum of three points toward signature membership by participating in Member Shows.
Signature Membership in our society denotes member artists who have achieved a high level of artistic watercolor painting skill. SWS Signature membership entitles an artist to include the society’s initials "SWS" behind their name when signing their work. SWS Signature membership was established in 2017 and qualified members were first recognized at that year's annual business meeting.
Signature Member Artists
In accordance with our bylaws a signature membership is awarded to members in good standing who have earned 9 points within ten consecutive year by participating in our juried Member Shows and/or juried National Shows. Three points are awarded for participation in a juried National Show and one point is awarded for participation in a juried Member Show. An individual may only accrue a maximum of three points toward signature membership by participating in Member Shows.